Deze week weer 6 nieuwe vrijwilligers erbij, waaronder:

I just graduated from high school and I couldn’t have done it without Khan, that’s why I want to give something back and help fellow pupils with understand the videos if their english isn’t great.

I love the way Khan Academy presents its information. But to make it more accessible for everyone and to reach a bigger audience, we need translations in more languages.

I’m a fun loving person. Like to hang out with friends and do sports like swimming, cycling and running.
I’m also an idealist. Many issues in the world are caused by ignorance. Knowledge can help people to understand certain situations that happen around the world. Education is a tool that can help people to gain that knowledge. That’s why I think Khan Academy is doing such a great job of providing free education for everyone!
Many of my friends are working for a bank. They couldn’t explain me what MBS and CDS were. While searching on the internet, I found this website called Khan Academy. Salman Khan can explains what MBS and CDS are within 3 minutes. 🙂